RHA has begun delivering hand sanitizer for our facilities.
A few weeks ago, we noticed an increase in demand of hand sanitizer due to COVID-19. RHA began working with local distilleries to see if they could create hand sanitizer for our facilities. In the span of two days, we reached 3,000 miles, 266 gallons, and 59 healthcare facilities with our hand sanitizer.
We would like to thank the following for helping make this idea come true:
- Ryan Weegman from Red Rock Tiling & Excavating, and Andy Westrom from Lee Well Drilling for providing the Hydrogen Peroxide for our hand sanitizer
- Kemps for providing the gallons jugs for the hand sanitizer.
- Brock Berglund, from Ida Graves Distillery for helping create and produce hand sanitizer for our hospitals
- Tom Ficker, from Office Depot for helping supply labels and cartons for the hand sanitizer.
-Adam Graf from Copper Trail Brewing Company in Alexandria, MN for helping create hand sanitizer for our hospitals
-Tyler from Red Pine Distillery in Grand Forks. On the right are Joel and Jarek from Proof Artisan Distillers in Fargo
